10 Trends B2B Digital Marketers Need to Know for 2023

Digital marketing is an always-changing arena. Innovation peaks around every corner, and it can be tempting to fall in line with every new flashy trend you come across. But if you spread your digital marketing strategy too thin, you risk spending a lot of money on subpar results. That’s why it’s important to know which B2B digital marketing trends are worth focusing on – especially as you start making plans for the second half of this year and 2023.

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What are the Marketing Trends for 2023?

What worked in 2022 is in many cases changing drastically in 2023. Advancements in technologies mean that digital marketing platforms can respond better to shifts in consumer needs and experiences. Changes feed more change, in a cut-throat competitive online market. As consumers respond to these different media changes, the platforms respond, new things happen, and innovation surfaces! So, it’s vital to understand how these trends are impacting your target audiences.

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A Quick Guide to Integrate Marketing Automation Tools

Look, we're lazy. We can't lie - we like saving cash and time where possible. I mean, who doesn't? If you have to do a repeated task more than twice, automate it. This applies to internal processes, customer services, communications - the lot. Let's take a deeper look into what marketing automation actually is, and why we'd vouch for it to be your next business decision to save your team time, and ultimately money.

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Everything You Need to Know About CRO

Conversion Rate Optimization is a big deal and it can benefit your business in so many ways. If you’re looking to improve your conversion rates, then testing and improving is the way to go. There are a lot of things that could be improved on any website, so don’t feel overwhelmed! We hope this guide has given you some insight into how CRO works and what steps should be taken next time when making changes in your own website or app (or any other online platform).

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Tips to Create a Successful Email Automation Strategy

If you're looking to create a successful email automation strategy, following these steps is a great way to get started. First, you need to segment your list and figure out what content will be most relevant to each group. Next, you need to create a compelling lead magnet that will entice people to sign up for your list. Once you have people on your list, it's important to send them regular emails that are both informative and engaging. Finally, don't forget to track your results so that you can continue to improve your email automation strategy over time.

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Marketing As Services: Things to know

Marketing as a service is an interesting concept that is becoming more and more popular. If you are considering using marketing as a service for your business, there are a few things you should know. First, marketing as a service is not a one-size-fits-all solution. You will need to tailor your marketing strategy to fit the specific needs of your business. Second, marketing as a service can be expensive, so you will need to make sure you have the budget to cover the cost of services. Finally, when using marketing as a service, be sure to work with a reputable and experienced provider who can help you achieve your desired results.

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Marketing Automation

In a study by the Lenskold Group, 78% of successful marketers cited marketing automation systems as most responsible for contributing to revenue. This is a very significant statistic because it shows you that despite the time, and effort, and challenges it can take to set a complete system up, the money you will get back from it is 5, 10, 20 fold. This is the full marketing automation suites rather than the single tools. It’s quite difficult to measure exactly how using multiple single tools contributes to ROI in a large team.

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The Ultimate Customer Onboarding Process

Customer Onboarding is a crucial activity for customer success teams. In fact, within Foundcoo’s 4-Step Customer Success (CS) Strategy, successful Customer Onboarding is the #1 factor in ensuring that customers achieve their desired outcomes. Yet, if you were to ask customer success managers or sales reps to define Customer Onboarding, you would likely receive a wide variety of inconsistent answers, even among those within the same organization. That’s why we’ve designed these easy to follow Customer Onboarding Process Guidelines to help you develop a world-class onboarding process.

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B2B Customer Experience (CX): What is and Why it is Needed?

Customer Experience encompasses every interaction the customer has with your organization throughout the customer lifecycle, whether they are in-person, over the phone, or online. At the center of good Customer Experience is a clear and compelling value proposition that is, a product or service that satisfies a customer's need or want, usually associated with a short or long-term goal; for example, a loan to buy a house. Delivering a positive customer experience generally requires coordination across different functions within an organization such as marketing, product development, customer care, operations, or retail branches.

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Customer Experience: Steps to Managing the Customer Journey

A customer journey is an entire experience a customer has while communicating with a brand. It considers the complete interaction roadmap from brand discovery to purchasing and beyond. The focus isn’t on transactions, but rather how the customer feels after interactions with the brand. By improving the customer experience at each point in the journey, you focus your business on your customers. This builds a loyal fan base and keeps customers coming back time and again.

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Customer Experience: Enhance The Experience Through Automation

Marketing automation is essential for both ramping up on creating a memorable customer experience and maintaining that experience over time. Furthermore, marketing automation improves the sales funnel's efficiency; this results in increased conversions, happy customers, and, of course, increased revenue.

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The Best Customer Retention Strategy You Need to Know

Customer retention is the collection of activities a business uses to increase the number of repeat customers and to increase the profitability of each existing customer. Customer retention strategies enable you to both provide and extract more value from your existing customer base. You want to ensure the customers you worked so hard to acquire stay with you, have a great customer experience, and continue to get value from your products.

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Tips for Crafting Holiday Marketing Campaigns

While mobile advertising has historically been impactful, we must be conscious of its unique challenges: consumers turning to shopping on smaller screens means less real estate for advertising. Moreover, the propensity for scrolling on mobile devices means that attention spans are shorter than ever amongst a sea of similar advertisements.

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Future Marketing Skills

Jim collins in his book, Good to Great, set out to discover what made some companies go from being good to great. He embarked on a five-year study of eleven companies whose stock returns had skyrocketed relative to their competitors. There were several important factors, but one of the most important was the type of leader who led the company into greatness.

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A Guide to Growth Hacking

Growth Hacking is all about finding scalable, repeatable and sustainable ways to grow the business using full funnel marketing. Growth Hacking requires discipline in following a process of prioritising ideas, testing and analysing their effectiveness before deciding which to keep, and which to drop. All within short time frames, and with the goal to maximise ROI and growth.

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Customer Experience: How To Lead Trends In 2021

Many consumers and companies are looking longingly to the start of the new year and for 2020 to be behind us. And although the year was a roller coaster, it provided learning opportunities and set the stage for 2021. As you set your strategy moving forward, remember these five trends for the future and consider what you can do to leverage them in your organization.

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Exceptional End-to-End Customer Experience

The effort to quantify CX is critically important and will only become more so. During the pandemic, interactions that were once in person became, by necessity, digital, with organizations accelerating technical transformations enterprise-wide. Every company now has to think about how to provide a stellar CX that makes use of new capabilities, like AI, real-time data, and cloud technologies, to provide a personal experience for each and every customer.

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B2B personalization Marketing

Marketing automation leader Marketo cites research claiming highly personalized mobile and web experiences can lead to a 30% increase in conversion rates and up to a 270% increase in content consumption. Marketo simplifies the approach into 3 big W’s.

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Virtual Event Marketing Strategy

Virtual events aren’t a new concept, but when the global pandemic struck, organizations found themselves having to forgo in-person events for virtual ones. At that time, research showed that virtual events were up 1,000 percent, but event planners were still playing catch-up. Though 76 percent of event planners were going virtual, only 40 percent of those said they were knowledgeable about how to plan and execute these events.

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