Social Media Management Company
Social Media Management Company

Elevate Revenue
with Top
Social Ads and Authentic Content

Increase your profits with our advanced social ads that consistently deliver exceptional results. Generate real engagement with authentic, high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

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We work with brands to grow their revenue.

Boost your social media presence with Foundcoo, the premier social media agency.

Boost your social media presence with Foundcoo, the premier social media agency.

More than 60% of individuals utilize Instagram for discovering new products, with a staggering 80% following at least one business on the platform. In March 2017 alone, over 120 million Instagram users engaged with businesses, whether by visiting websites, seeking directions, or reaching out via calls, emails, or messages. Instagram provides an array of built-in marketing tools and advanced analytics, facilitating seamless brand promotion in a visually captivating and impactful manner.

Grow Your Business with Facebook Ads

Grow Your Business
with Facebook Ads

As the largest free-to-use social media network globally, Facebook presents a robust and adaptable advertising platform. With its highly engaged user base, 93% of digital marketers regularly leverage Facebook advertising to promote products and services. Crafting a solid campaign with Facebook ads can yield the highest return on investment compared to any other advertising form today, making it a preferred choice among businesses in Singapore.

Maximize Your Impact with YouTube Advertising

Maximize Your Impact
with YouTube Advertising

In just four years, internet video traffic will comprise over 80% of all consumer internet traffic. Video marketing not only drives purchasing behavior but also fosters stronger customer engagement. Break free from limitations, stay ahead of the competition, and invest in a YouTube advertising strategy for your channel. When your Singapore-based business starts generating more leads and sales than ever, you'll be glad you did!

Achieve a 200% Increase in Leads with LinkedIn Ads

Achieve a 200% Increase
in Leads with LinkedIn Ads

For B2B marketing, LinkedIn advertising stands unrivaled. A remarkable 80% of B2B leads originate from LinkedIn ads, and 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content. Unlike other social media platforms where users spend time, LinkedIn is where professionals invest their time. Strengthen your brand’s reputation as a thought leader and leverage powerful professional networks with a robust LinkedIn marketing strategy, expertly crafted by our agency’s specialists in Singapore.

Benefits of Investing in Social Media Marketing

Statistics that guarantee your success in social media marketing:

  • 90% of all marketers affirm that their social media efforts have created more publicity for their businesses.

  • 66% of marketers see lead generation benefits by spending just six hours a week on social media.

  • In 2015, Facebook advertising directed 52% of consumers' online and offline acquisitions.

  • 79% of B2B marketers say LinkedIn advertising is a useful reference for generating leads.

  • 62% of millennials and 51% of people over 35 are likely to take action after viewing a YouTube promotion.

Get in touch with Foundcoo today and experience a powerful boost in your marketing opportunities. Kick-start your brand's thriving success with our social media marketing services.

An Overview of Social Media Marketing

  • As the name suggests, social media ads are advertisements on social platforms like Facebook and Instagram, amongst others. Be it to promote your service or a specific product, this form of mobile advertising leads to the free returns of increased reach and brand recognition. A guaranteed method of reaching an audience, engaging social media advertising will positively impact your business growth in Singapore and beyond. Simply determine a social media network, create a target audience, post your advertisement, and watch the conversions roll in.

  • Social media and Google ads are the most common paid online advertising conduits for businesses. Despite both posing as giants in the online space, several distinct features might make one a more feasible option over the other. For example, the Lookalike Audience feature on Facebook ensures that your ads will reach new audiences that might be interested in your business.

    On the other hand, Google ads are more likely to spur on conversions compared to individuals scrolling through social media platforms for fun. However, there are space limitations on Google’s SERP real estate, making for a highly competitive environment. Either way, Foundcoo in Singapore will carefully tailor an ad campaign that will help you reach your objectives.

  • There is no denying that one of the key components of doing social media marketing is having a strategy. A social media strategy is crucial in building a strong organic presence and targeting your audience more effectively. And while having a well-established strategy will ensure that all your efforts are fruitful, tapping into social media advertising will allow you to reach audiences beyond those that are following you. Given the advancements on social platforms, businesses in Singapore can even specify who they’d like their ads displayed to. Social media ads and your marketing strategy will thus be working in tandem to attract and acquire a new client base.

  • Compared to the time-consuming and expensive process of traditional marketing, social media marketing is a quick and convenient way of getting your brand out there. Forget ever needing to approach a journalist or a publishing partner with your advertisements or marketing messages.

    The simple act of setting up a social account and posting will suffice in reaching your audience and increasing brand awareness. Adding to that is the full visibility of your social accounts. With measurement and analysis tools to leverage, specific details such as the number of website visits, impressions, engagement, shares, and more can be obtained.

    This is unlike traditional marketing where businesses are often left in the dark when it comes to analyzing the reach of an ad. It can also be hard for businesses to target people outside of Singapore.

  • From image ads to carousel ads, there is a wide range of social media ad formats that you’re free to choose from for your campaign. Depending on the action you are aiming to drive and your targeted audience, the right ad format will elevate your paid advertising strategy on these platforms. Besides YouTube that only supports video ads, other major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter allow you to showcase your products and services using Image, Carousel, Product, Interactive, Lead form, and Video ads.

  • Every social media advertising campaign must be designed to complement your business and objectives. While the end goal for most businesses is to drive conversions, a personalised campaign is pivotal in attracting the right audience. Social media experts at Foundcoo Singapore can help develop a strategy that delivers a top-notch ROI. Depending on your needs, we will determine an optimal digital marketing budget that will generate your desired traffic, leads, and conversions. Equipped with in-depth knowledge of the social media landscape, our social media agency in Singapore will help take your business to new heights.

  • Several qualities will determine how effective your social media ad for Foundcoo is. Firstly, you'll need a high-quality and relevant image or video to complement your copy. Alongside the ad's design, ensure your copy is engaging, delivering a clear value proposition – this clarity stems from well-defined goals set from the outset.

    Whether you opt to schedule the post or manually publish it, ensure there's a compelling Call to Action (CTA) and a link guiding customers to the relevant landing page. However, that's only part of the equation. A user-friendly, optimized website serves as the finishing touch, guiding customers seamlessly through their purchasing journey. Connect with our social media marketing experts at Foundcoo in Singapore for insights on enhancing your social media ad designs.

  • Harnessing the immense power of social media for advertising requires a strategic approach. To make the most of your investment, it's crucial to craft a well-designed advertising strategy aimed at delivering tangible business outcomes. Given its direct reach to your target audience, establishing clear objectives is paramount.

    From initial account setup to pinpointing your audience and crafting compelling creatives, there's a lot to consider to resonate effectively with your followers and audience. Partnering with a seasoned social media marketing agency like Foundcoo in Singapore ensures your campaign is expertly managed from inception to completion, paving the way for unparalleled success.

How Can Social Media Marketing Help My Business?

  • Social media marketing holds immense significance for bolstering brand awareness and loyalty. It serves as an unparalleled platform for enhancing brand authority, fostering customer satisfaction, and driving traffic to your website. Moreover, it has the potential to significantly elevate your sales figures.

  • When executed skillfully, social media strategies prove highly effective. However, the definition of effectiveness varies based on individual goals, making each campaign unique.

    A remarkable 75% of marketers note a surge in site traffic, while an impressive 90% of businesses report heightened exposure following the implementation of a social media marketing strategy.

  • Navigating the advertising landscape with a limited budget can feel daunting for small businesses. Determining the most efficient social media platform for your growth isn't straightforward either. Our suggestion is to prioritize platforms with the widest reach in your industry, such as Facebook and Instagram.

    The choice between them may also hinge on the nature of your business. Instagram, for instance, boasts a younger user demographic, making it particularly beneficial for brands catering to that audience.

  • The optimal strategy for your social media advertising campaign hinges on reaching your target audience while fulfilling your business objectives. It's essential to understand that there's no universal formula for success in this realm. Each ad campaign demands customization and tailoring to suit your unique requirements and goals. From selecting the appropriate social platform for ad placement to defining the target audience you aim to engage, these factors can vary significantly from one campaign to another.

  • Social media amplifies sales potential by nurturing relationships with your prospects through consistent communication and meaningful engagement. By employing these strategies, potential customers are more likely to view your brand as reliable, choosing your products or services over those of your competitors.

    In fact, 71% of consumers who have positive social media interactions with a brand are inclined to recommend it to others.

  • Leveraging social media stands as a prime method to connect and promote to a local demographic. The ability to target distinct groups enables precision in tailoring your advertising content, consequently enhancing the efficacy of your advertising investment.

    With individuals spending an average of two hours daily on social media, it emerges as a highly potent platform for advertising. Additionally, local brands showcased on social media tend to garner higher engagement and trust from their audience.

  • Undoubtedly, YouTube and Facebook reign as the top social media platforms in Singapore. A staggering 4.4 million individuals in Singapore engage actively on YouTube daily, spending at least 2 hours on the platform. Following closely, Facebook boasts 4.06 million users and stands as a prime advertising platform. Thus, a robust YouTube and Facebook ad campaign is imperative for a thriving business.

    Instagram also holds sway as a popular advertising platform in Singapore, while WhatsApp remains the preferred communication app. For engaging with an international audience, locals often resort to WeChat for online communication.

  • If your aim is to stand out amidst the digital noise, collaborating with a top-tier social media management agency like Foundcoo can yield significant advantages. As a comprehensive social media advertising and management agency, we provide clients with an array of services.

    From crafting compelling Instagram and Facebook ads to overseeing organic social media management, our team ensures not only the creation of engaging content but also provides regular updates on campaign performance. With tailored strategies and a track record of proven success, entrust your ROI improvement to the expertise of our social media marketing agency.