Benefits Of Workflow Automation

Workflow automation is an approach to making the flow of tasks, documents and information across work-related activities perform independently in accordance with defined business rules. When implemented, this type of automation should be a straightforward process that is executed on a regular basis to improve everyday productivity. Workflow automation should make it easier for an organization to streamline its workflows and identify other areas that can be automated to increase efficiency. For example, some automated workflow tasks can be managing spreadsheets or emails.

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B2B: Do Brands Still Matter?

According to a new marketing report from The CMO Survey from the Fuqua School of Business, 30% of those surveyed have not experienced changes to their marketing budgets, while 41% reported gains and 28% reported cuts. In general, marketers reported a 5% increase in budgets during the pandemic, and they expect digital spending to grow by 4% over the next year. For both B2C and B2B companies, the top priorities of marketers right now are building brand value and customer retention. B2B brand building matters because the brand matters.

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How Do You Succeed With Marketing Automation?

For big and small companies alike, capturing leads and converting them into sales-ready prospects is essential for growth. Traditional marketing techniques rely on either broad, sweeping distribution or the painstaking work of identifying and categorizing an audience. This is not only inefficient, but also ineffective. By transitioning to an automated approach, you are able to better serve your customers by sending targeted content based on user behavior and interests.

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The Most Effective Way to Increase Sales & Marketing Alignment in 2022

A recent study showed that sales and marketing misalignment can prevent nearly 75% of leads from converting into sales. On the other hand, professional services firms can increase sales by 38% when they bring sales and marketing into alignment. So, how do you reap the benefits of alignment by getting the left hand of sales to talk with the right hand of marketing — without triggering an arm-wrestling match?

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SEM Strategy: Combine SEO & PPC Data for More Powerful Results

Organisations often have separate organic Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC) strategies run by different teams or agencies, but the holistic term Search Engine Marketing (SEM) exists for a reason. With good content and careful management paid and organic tactics can individually achieve great results. But the two working together can be a game changer, delivering more than the sum of its parts. Here’s why.

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Sales Triggers, What Yours?

Looking for ways to maximize your sales team’s productivity? You’ve come to the right place. Today’s tips is about how to turn news into sales. Did you know that a baby’s birth is a sales trigger for car dealers? Think about it. When a couple starts having kids, they often need to say goodbye to their sporty, two-door car and replace it with a more practical four-door with room for the baby seat and all the paraphernalia. Before long, as more babies arrive, a minivan or SUV starts looking pretty good. To a car salesperson, news about expectant parents and new births is prime hunting ground.

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B2B Marketers Play A Pivotal Role To RevOps

Marketers do the work to build actionable buyer personas and understand customers – hopefully by interviewing customers and buyers so they have a well-rounded perspective vs. the one-off views sales gets from talking to buyers already well through their buying process.

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B2B, Sales and Marketing, Marketing, Strategy Mauro Berno B2B, Sales and Marketing, Marketing, Strategy Mauro Berno

Microlearning in Sales Training

Today’s productive and successful seller must be a jack of all trades, mastering a variety of skills to engage buyers and close deals. Sales onboarding and ongoing enablement activities are typically one-and-done affairs for sales reps. Reps are bombarded with information about the company, industry, customers, competitors, and sales methodologies over the span of a week or so, then left to their own devices and expected to dive in and start selling.

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Tips For Developing a Sales and Marketing Alignment Plan

Along with closing deals and gaining revenue, successful Smarketing efforts have also been found to lead to more accurate targeting, increases in sales productivity, improved customer experience, and built up morale and job satisfaction among client facing teams. If that sounds like a win to you, let’s get down to business on how you can develop a sales and marketing alignment plan in your organization.

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RevOps: Focus on Your People

Revenue Performance management, however, connects these traditionally siloed teams with aligned goals. The workforce – not just sales – are linked to compensation plans with a connected target. This creates a revenue engine, with different teams connected via the same incentive structure – maximizing revenue and supercharging opportunities for growth.

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Marketing, Strategy Mauro Berno Marketing, Strategy Mauro Berno

Elements of an Effective Digital Strategy

To make any digital customer service strategy a success, utilize individuals from IT and customer-facing teams to form an official committee that will be in charge of executing the digital component of the customer service strategy. Do not forgo this step just to jump into actionable items, but rather, take the time to set aside a team that is responsible for not only setting overarching customer service goals and tactics, but also acquiring and implementing the technology needed to successfully bring that vision to life.

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RevOps: Time To Evaluate Your Strategy

As Forbes put it, “Revenue operations was created as an “end-to-end process of driving revenue, from the moment a prospect considers a purchase (marketing) to when you close the deal (sales) to their renewal and upsell (CS). The result of this orchestration is faster growth and more profit. So the next question is: how do you know if you’re really in need of a RevOps strategy?

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Benefits Of Marketing Automation

To make your job as a marketing manager easier, you need your team’s activities to be customer focused, sales oriented, and measurable. Your goal is to realize effective campaigns to generate leads. You also want to be able to assess how well your activities worked. What you need is a marketing automation tool. In this blog we explain what exactly marketing automation is, how it will improve your work.

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Things To Do When Selling To C-suite Decision Makers

When you’re trying to win business from executives, especially in the C-suite, it’s important to know how to engage with them in a meaningful way that adds value to their day. Otherwise, you risk being seen as a nuisance that has taken their time without truly solving any of their problems.

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Foundcoo Named by Clutch as a Top 2021 Provider of B2B Services in Hong Kong

Foundcoo is a provider of management consulting services to business owners; we assist you in your efforts to drive sales growth. A team of experienced business professionals, we identify opportunities in key areas of your operations and solidify your brand’s focus areas. From business planning to digital transformation strategies, you can trust Foundcoo in your business development. We’re truly excited about this award as it shows our determination to guide our partners towards growth efficiency. More importantly, we’d like to express our gratitude to our clients for their continuous trust in our services.

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Techniques To Mastering Content Writing For All Kind Of Industry (Business)

B2B content marketing is a long-term play and should be integrated with a full-on digital marketing strategy. When done well, it is reliably a very effective approach. Whether you’re learning how to start a B2B content marketing strategy, or brushing up on the basics, or looking to achieve mastery. Through our techniques on how to Master Content Writing, you’ll find everything you need ahead.

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Best Practices For High-Performance Sales Training

Best practices for sales team training have been continuing to develop and evolve over the last few decades. The evolution of best practices for sales team training is a good thing and should continue. As the leader, it is your job to connect all the dots. You are the one who can identify the right profile, and then develop and hire people that fit the profile you have identified. You are the one who is responsible for knowing what you are seeking (and not seeking!) in new hires, what you want to develop, and what you must coach to. It is also your job to set the personal standards, such as operating principles and values, that are consistent with what high performance looks like in your organization or team.

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Why Is Coaching Vital To Sales Performance?

By tailoring training to suit the individual needs of reps and by instilling a culture of learning within its people, organizations can look forward to reaping the significant benefits that training and coaching offer. A good sales enablement and training platform can provide organizations with the technology and framework required for implementing such a program.

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Lead Generation Ideas for B2B

Let’s face it, without a reliable source of new leads for your product or service, your business is dead in the water without consistent customer growth. That makes the lead generation ideas and strategies you choose to pursue today, incredibly important to the future of your company. So, to help you cut through all the noise on this topic, we’ve compiled 30 highly effective ideas for B2B lead magnets that will lead you on the right path and the best part is, you can benefit a lot by putting your spin on each of these.

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