SEM Strategy: Combine SEO & PPC Data for More Powerful Results

Organisations often have separate organic Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC) strategies run by different teams or agencies, but the holistic term Search Engine Marketing (SEM) exists for a reason. With good content and careful management paid and organic tactics can individually achieve great results. But the two working together can be a game changer, delivering more than the sum of its parts. Here’s why.

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Sales Triggers, What Yours?

Looking for ways to maximize your sales team’s productivity? You’ve come to the right place. Today’s tips is about how to turn news into sales. Did you know that a baby’s birth is a sales trigger for car dealers? Think about it. When a couple starts having kids, they often need to say goodbye to their sporty, two-door car and replace it with a more practical four-door with room for the baby seat and all the paraphernalia. Before long, as more babies arrive, a minivan or SUV starts looking pretty good. To a car salesperson, news about expectant parents and new births is prime hunting ground.

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Tips For Developing a Sales and Marketing Alignment Plan

Along with closing deals and gaining revenue, successful Smarketing efforts have also been found to lead to more accurate targeting, increases in sales productivity, improved customer experience, and built up morale and job satisfaction among client facing teams. If that sounds like a win to you, let’s get down to business on how you can develop a sales and marketing alignment plan in your organization.

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Things To Do When Selling To C-suite Decision Makers

When you’re trying to win business from executives, especially in the C-suite, it’s important to know how to engage with them in a meaningful way that adds value to their day. Otherwise, you risk being seen as a nuisance that has taken their time without truly solving any of their problems.

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