Common Trap With LinkedIn Social Selling

What is “LinkedIn Social Selling” (LISS) ?

A customer acquisition strategy, applying inbound and outbound tactics to become Top of Mind for the services we offer or the market we are in, by using various touch points with potential customers that we can have on LinkedIn.

A common Trap with LISS

I see people that try to apply LinkedIn Social Selling principles, but ask these two questions:

  1. “What if my organization is focused on various types of customers?”

  2. “How should I focus on all my different target groups at the same time?”

Short Answer: you don’t.

You can not be a Top of Mind if you’re a ‘Jack of all trades’. LISS works best if you’re not positioned as a jack of all trades, but rather have a well-defined target audience and a clear value proposition to offer them.

So, how do you solve this?

When you are an organization that serves different types of clients, consider having ‘representative profiles’ per type of customer.

When the prior solution is not possible, try focusing on your ideal customer (eg. most profitable per invested hour). You can always add “We also do ….” in your communication.

When you are an account manager, try to apply ABM techniques making your communication specifically for current and target customers.

How Can We Help

Do you need help developing a comprehensive LinkedIn lead generation strategy for your business?  We offer strategic planning, training, and execution support for companies wanting to take their digital lead generation to the next level.  If you are interested in learning more, sign up for a complimentary initial consultation/discovery meeting. Schedule yours today, and let’s see if we can help.


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