Target Your Audience

Target Your Audience

If you don’t have your sights set on a specific target audience, you’re missing out. Here’s how to find your target market:

Look at your current audience.

Assess who is already following you. Evaluate why they need you and what you can offer them and vice versa. Have a clear grasp of who your current audience is.

Keep and eye out on your competition.

Understand your competition and who they’re targeting. If you are going after the same market, what can you do differently that will draw more focus to you?

Know your strengths.

Play to your strengths. Don’t try to emulate someone else’s content. The reason you have a following in the first place is because people are interested in YOU.

Target a specific demographic.

What is their age, location, gender, income, education, etc. Now that you have a clear image of your audience, its time to hit a bullseye.

Create specific content.

Having a target audience makes everything easier when it comes to building a following. Create content that is specific to your target audience and you’ll begin to attract a like-minded tribe.


  • Look at your current audience

  • Know your competition

  • Know your strengths

  • Target a specific demographic

  • Create specific content

How Can We Help

We help Marketing and Sales teams create the inspiration, space, and participation that unlocks a whole new level of performance. We don’t do this with posters and powerpoint. Instead, we start with an invitation—a chance for teams to pilot new ways of working and eliminate Marketing and Sales divisions that have been standing in their way for years. In successive waves of disciplined experimentation and learning, teams have the ability to methodically align their narrative. Along the way, we offer advice, facilitation, and guidance.  If you are interested in learning more, sign up for a complimentary initial consultation/discovery meeting. Schedule yours today, and let’s see if we can help.


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