8 Tips To Communicate With Generation Z
While companies are still focused on Millennials, recent research of news and trends shows that Generation Z’s buying power is growing rapidly and they may actually become the most influential generation.
— Tabaka, 2018

So who are the Gen Z-ers and why should you care?

A gen z-er is an individual born between mid-1990s and mid-2000s, obviously, such a change had influenced their consumer preferences in a few ways which companies should consider when planning their marketing and communication campaigns targeted at people from this generation.

Here are 8 ways that Gen Z-ers are known for when in comes to their consumer preferences:

1. Mobile-first

According to Forbes, Gen Z-ers mostly explore the digital world through their mobile devices. This means that companies should take care of mobile versions for their web-pages and apply a mobile-first strategy (or mobile-only).

2. They care about real brand values and transparency

Gen Z-ers know marketing, they are aware of persuasive attempts and they do not want to be manipulated (Woo, 2018). In their opinion, it is important and appealing if a brand stands for and is being true to its values and beliefs (Tabaka, 2018).

3. More sensitive to ‘micro-influencer’ campaigns

They prefer real people to big celebrity endorsers, which once again emphasizes the importance of transparency of all the relationships that brand is involved into (Beckman, 2017).

4. They do their research before a purchase

When it comes to consumption, Generation Z is likely to evaluate a lot of information from different sources before they make a purchasing decision. For them, access already means consumption, they do not have to necessarily own a product, which gives space for development of shared economy.

5. Preference for personalized products

Gen Z-ers are looking for individual identity in products they buy and agree to pay a higher price for personalized items which say something about their personality.

6. Strong ethical position

Moreover, this generation has strong ethical position and they do not distinguish between ethics of the brand and their network of partners and suppliers. Therefore, a company’s actions must match their claims and this approach has to be adopted throughout the whole value chain (Françis & Hoefel, 2018).

7. Engagement in marketing campaigns

When it comes to online marketing campaigns, Generation Z is more likely to engage in online games and in product review writing, which means that they want to get involved with the brand (Shay, 2018).

 8. Don’t like to waste their time

Lastly, Generation Z values their time, therefore companies should note that they will not use apps and web-pages that are confusing or hard to navigate (Shay, 2018).


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