How Much Do Google Reviews Affect Your Ranking in SEO?

Google reviews wield considerable influence over your digital marketing and SEO efforts. Embrace the power of genuine customer feedback, respond thoughtfully to reviews, and strive to provide outstanding products and services. By doing so, you can earn more positive reviews, enhance your brand reputation, and ultimately improve your search engine rankings. Remember, it's not just about the quantity of reviews but also the quality and authenticity that truly impact your online success.

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The Manifest Hails Foundcoo as one of the Most Reviewed SEO Agencies in Singapore

The Foundcoo team is delighted to be named one of the most-reviewed SEO agencies in Singapore by The Manifest! We are honored to be part of this roster of talented and amazing companies locally. This award means a lot to us and proves our commitment and dedication to bringing the best solutions to our clients.

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The Importance of Being Human in Your B2B Content

In the competitive world of B2B marketing, standing out and making genuine connections with your audience is vital. That's why infusing humanity into your B2B content is a game-changer. By understanding your audience's needs, sharing authentic stories, and using conversational language, you can build trust, increase engagement, and drive meaningful interactions. In this article, we explore the significance of the human element in B2B content and provide actionable strategies to help you create content that truly resonates. Get ready to humanize your B2B content and take your marketing efforts to new heights.

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Sales and Marketing Alignment: Achieving Harmony for Business Success

Sales and marketing alignment is a critical factor in achieving business success. When sales and marketing teams work together, they can generate more revenue, improve customer retention, and drive business growth. However, achieving sales and marketing alignment is easier said than done, and many businesses struggle to align their teams effectively. In this article, we will discuss the importance of sales and marketing alignment, provide tips for achieving it, and offer real-life examples of companies that have successfully aligned their teams. By following the advice in this article, businesses can achieve sales and marketing alignment and reap the benefits that come with it.

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10 Trends B2B Digital Marketers Need to Know for 2023

Digital marketing is an always-changing arena. Innovation peaks around every corner, and it can be tempting to fall in line with every new flashy trend you come across. But if you spread your digital marketing strategy too thin, you risk spending a lot of money on subpar results. That’s why it’s important to know which B2B digital marketing trends are worth focusing on – especially as you start making plans for the second half of this year and 2023.

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What is B2B Saas Marketing and What's the Best Strategy?

B2B SaaS stands for business-to-business Software-as-a-Service. It encompasses cloud-based software used by businesses for various tasks, such as accounting, office productivity, customer relationship management (CRM), and other work-related activities. Companies often subscribe to B2B SaaS solutions and pay on a recurring basis, usually monthly or yearly.

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Benefits of Implementing Agile Marketing

Agile marketing is a modern concept for today’s growth-driven businesses but it’s not always easy to shift from tradition to agile frameworks – especially for older, established companies. Newer, smaller companies tend to be more agile by nature but there’s a difference between being agile-inclined and being truly agile, which means responding with speed, accuracy and effectiveness. Simply changing your mind a lot and optimisation for the sake of optimisation is not agile marketing – or, at least, it’s not effective agile marketing.

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