Sales impact from using empathy

Sales impact from using empathy

Remember how you were selling five years ago? Consider just how much the process has changed. In the past, dynamics were different between a buyer and seller. Sellers had most of the information about the product or service. They had more power. Buyers had limited data or understanding before interacting with the seller.

The game has changed.

Sales impact from using empathy

Recognize how technology advances have affected the pace and dimensions of the sales process.

It is important to recognize how technology advances have affected the pace and dimensions of the sales process. Your potential buyers now have access to extraordinary amounts of information about your products or services and those of your competitors too.

Before your conversation with them begins, they're likely to have done research on several possible vendors, including your company, about:

  • the features,

  • functionality,

  • customer service record,

  • employee feedback,

  • as well as gathering a variety of verified opinions and reviews.

You and your teams are connecting with potential buyers much further along in the sales process than before. In addition, there was much more noise with many sophisticated tools and services facilitating and focusing research, targeting, and outreach for you and your competitors.

This requires your sales division to adjust for the impact of technology and work more closely together with team members internally as well as externally with prospects and customers.

Adjust for the impact of technology and work more closely together.

Sharing insights, ideas, and success factors among the team is necessary to be able to stand out and break through now, while being able to connect better with potential customers and deepen relationships with existing accounts is becoming imperative.

Connect better with potential customers and deepen relationships with existing accounts.

You can update your sales practices and benefit from empathy skills to succeed in these new sales conditions. Use empathy when interacting with sales managers and reps, and you'll find it easier to work together and share skills.

Sales impact from using empathy

Benefit from empathy skills to succeed in these new sales conditions.

Bring empathy into the sales research and outreach process to boost understanding of targets' perspectives and what problems they might be challenged by.

Empathetic listening helps shows you care, which helps build trust. You will also be able to develop more accurate assessments of their situations and propose better solutions for the initial sale and future upselling.

Empathetic listening helps show caring, which helps build trust.

The better all sales folks are able to read and connect with people, the more success you will have.


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