Sales Prospecting: Do you have an unique solution?

When it comes to prospecting, we know that merely making calls and talking to whoever answers the phone or is at the front desk isn't likely going to get us very far. We then actually have to have something to corner our buyer's interest, something that will shake up their status quo. We do this in the form of insights. These are pieces of information, possibly statistics, which point to a need that our buyer has and may interest them that they haven't considered yet.

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What is the Value of Sales Enablement?

To succeed in sales today, we need sales enablement to support and do the heavy lifting to ensure we have the tools we need to focus on what we are best at, selling products and services. Sales enablement enhances our skills and is badly needed in a fast-paced, overcrowded, and continuously shifting marketplace.

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LinkedIn is Changing The B2B Marketing Game.

A few days ago, I trained a sales and marketing team and reviewed the alignment talking about tools that help reframe the process. We came along with how Linkedin not only influenced Marketing and Advertising but also has a considerable impact on all the B2B companies.

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Are you investing in social selling?

LinkedIn is becoming the go-to channel for salespeople to find new prospects and reach their sales targets. 90% of top-performing salespeople now use LinkedIn as part of their sales strategy. And for sales reps that invest in social media, 64% of them hit their team quota compared to only 49% of reps hitting their team quota that don't use social media

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