Customer Experience: How To Lead Trends In 2021

There’s no sugarcoating that 2020 was difficult for most people. Customers and workers felt unsafe, and it often felt like there were no adults in the room with mixed messages around mask policies, inconsistent restrictions and overall confusion. On top of the pandemic, there were major issues about diversity and inclusion as companies and individuals had to get uncomfortable with their practices and beliefs and perform a detailed self-reflection about their own biases.

No company was spared from the pandemic, and it threw many industries into a free fall, from which they may never return. The economy has been on a roller coaster ride in 2020; the global economy will shrink by 3% this year, which is 30 times worse than the recession of 2009.

In these uncertain and challenging times, companies need to focus on customer experience, employee well-being and safety and investing in a stronger digital ecosystem. In many ways, 2020 set the tone for customer experience and created the landscape that will impact how companies operate and consumers engage in 2021.

As you set your strategy moving forward, remember these five trends for the future and consider what you can do to leverage them in your organization:

1. How We Live, Work And Play Has Forever Changed.

We can’t go back to how things were. Like it or not, we are now in a “new normal”, and companies need to adapt and look towards the future. We’ll be feeling the economic and mental impacts from COVID for years to come.

Be empathetic with your customers. Acknowledge their pain and guide them to a better future.Put people first and work to make customers’ lives easier and better, no matter what.

2. 2021 - The Year Of Uncomfortable Conversations.

In many ways, 2020 was a year of introspection as people and companies were forced to take a hard look at themselves and evaluate how they think and treat certain groups. The protests may be waning, but the passion needs to continue. Those uncomfortable conversations will continue into 2021 and are just the beginning.

Be humble, find your weaknesses, get informed and then change. Find ways to better represent the underrepresented people within your organization and your customers. Do good—real good—and take a stand.

Customers are looking to companies to make a difference in the world.

3. Putting Employees and Customers Above Profits.

People come first, simple as that. Although we will likely not be living in a pandemic throughout 2021, companies still need to prioritize their employees and customers.

Build strong relationships, listen to them and go out of your way to put them first. Your people will still be there long after your quarterly reports have been published.

Be authentic and transparent to let people know that they matter most.

4. E-commerce Grows Immensely And Touchless Customer Experience Makes An Unignorable Leap.

The future is digital and touchless. New technology can be applied to literally every industry, and some groups have seen tremendous growth this year because of it.

Looking towards the future, evaluate how your company can recommit on customer experience by leveraging the power of ecommerce and also providing valuable touchless experiences.

5. The Year of The B2B Pivot

2020 was a rough year for B2B companies, and it will likely take time for things to return to any semblance of normal. In order to succeed, B2B companies have to pivot and find creative ways to reach and serve their customers. That might mean making partnerships, expanding to new areas or building out digital solutions and offerings.

Staying stagnant will lead to near-certain failure, so B2B companies must focus on their customers and meeting their needs with new ideas and innovations.

After an unpredictable 2020, 2021 looks to bring just a bit more normalcy. As consumers continue to traverse an unknown path, companies need to be there to guide them through the changes, while also continuing to make changes themselves.

These five trends show just how much 2020 will impact the future. Looking back years from now, we will likely see that 2020 put us on the trajectory that changed the course of the future.

To stay on track and lead the charge, these five trends and continually staying close to customers will be your guiding light.

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