Customer Experience: Enhance The Experience Through Automation

Customer Experience: Enhance The Experience Through Automation

With many businesses emerging, Marketing is becoming challenging to capture from designing campaigns, launching them on multiple channels, maintaining with the customers' expectations, replying to customers' messages and queries on different media, and tracking engagement can become quite exhausting for marketers.

The repetitive job of Marketing on multiple channels is additionally time-consuming. It takes away a substantial chunk of your time that could've been wont to plan other business strategies. because of the technology, it can make a difference in easing the marketing activities while making them simpler and effective.

Marketing automation is the answer to effective and efficient marketing.

So, What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation is the process of leveraging software to automate repetitive marketing tasks. This marketing automation software allow Marketers to nurture leads through integrations with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and also Customer Data Platform (CDP) software. Marketers also use these platforms to automate and personalize marketing messages and content.

In short, Marketing automations are tools that make marketers more efficient with purpose are to streamline and scale lead management and other marketing activities in order to generate more revenue.

Marketing Automation Features

Marketing automation comes with numerous features, some key features of marketing automation platforms include:

Lead Nurturing

This is the process of sending a series of automated emails to engage the prospects by offering relevant information.

Personalized email Marketing

Email personalization helps businesses to develop better relationships with their customers.

Campaign Management

Companies can run email campaigns to nurture leads along the sales cycle. It enables teams to send direct and personalized emails to a large number of people.

CRM integration

This allows businesses to transfer lead information between marketing and sales.

Forms and landing pages

A tool that enables you to capture information from your prospects and then route it to various systems for storing and/or action.

Lead scoring

An integral part of all marketing automation and email platforms. Many of these more advanced solutions are moving beyond scoring as a result of activities (visits, opens, clicks, etc.) and scoring based on perceived intent and/or buying stage.

Lead management

Some marketing automation platforms serve as a landing spot for leads that don’t quite have enough information to pass on to sales.

Social media management

This allows for the distribution of content across most major social platforms into one place.

Customer Experience: Enhance The Experience Through Automation

It's no doubt that marketing automation can benefit marketers in a variety of ways:

  • For social media, they can schedule posts ahead of time and use mass posting to publish them in bulk.

  • For email marketing, they can schedule campaigns ahead of time and use A/B testing to test different elements such as subject lines or email body and find out which variant performs the best. Within the same initiative, they can use chunk sending, which sends the email in small batches, over a certain period of time, when email marketers have large volume of contacts in order to avoid harming their company's domain IP reputation.

  • For automation, marketers use automation builder to create different workflows which include series of triggers and different actions that personalize their customers experience and convert their leads throughout the funnel.

  • For segmentation, they can create different audience based on different conditions such as (email opened, link clicked, abandoned cart, video watched, lead scoring, etc...) to send them customized campaigns based on their preferences.

  • For landing pages, they can build landing pages and use pre-filled forms to save time for users filling out their contact information especially when they have been already opted in for the company's list(s).

Customer Experience: Enhance The Experience Through Automation

Marketing Automation Features To Improve Customer Experience

If your customers are not happy with your business, all your marketing activities, amazing products, advertising tactics, etc. will go in complete vain. Customers are the king of every business; therefore, their happiness is necessary if a company wishes to reign and make its mark in the highly competitive market.

1. Automate Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Taking feedback from the customers is an excellent way to know their sentiments and reviews about a business. Customers’ valuable feedback helps the companies identify the flaws in their products or dealings and suggest remedial measures.

Surveys are an excellent way to generate input from the consumers. It hardly takes a few minutes for your customer to fill in the survey form and provide you with their reviews and opinions.

2. Update Customer Data

Some businesses prefer to have the complete data in one place, while some keep the customer’s data on multiple tools. It's much easier to have the complete record of the customers at one place to access it all at once without having to switch the apps. However, if the data is stored on different apps, then it must be kept in sync.

Having all the tools connected and updated, you will not have to search frantically for a customer’s data if he calls or email you. 

3. Use Bots To Respond To Problems Immediately

How many sales qualify as enough sales? No number is enough when it comes to sales. If your marketing strategies are effective, they will generate more leads. It might not always be possible for your sales team to respond to the lead immediately after expressing their interest or concern about a product.

But, no more losing leads! The marketing automation tool will address your lead’s concerns without wasting any time. The marketing tool's auto responding feature will acknowledge the lead after he has filled in the form.

4. Automate Employee Surveys And Feedback Forms 

An employee’s feedback is equally important as a customer’s. Employees, especially those who interact with the customers, are better positioned to identify and highlight the problems that customers face. They can communicate the issues and offer a solution to enhance the customer experience.

Just as marketing automation tools can help a business create feedback forms and surveys for the customers, they can create the same for taking feedback from the company's employees.

5. Reach Out Customers At Risk Of Churn

There are many factors why a customer churns. It can either be your product, after-sale services, or little value for the price. You can quickly identify the customers at risk of churn with the help of marketing automation tools. Their website activity such as abandoning carts, looking for the FAQ of ‘How to cancel my order’, their negative reviews, angry emails, or direct complaints is a red flag for the organization.

Customers who are not happy with your business and planning to switch to your competitor must be reached out fast. You should send them an email or connect with them over a call to listen to their concerns for resolving them at your earliest.

6. Event Integration 

The majority of the marketing automation tools can be integrated with event management platforms. It provides the business with a resourceful insight into the customers who attended the events or webinars.

The marketers can offer the attendees more conferences, training sessions, or other informational events to keep them interested in the business. The above-listed ways aren’t the only ones that can be adopted to improve the customer experience. Marketing automation has more to offer to your business. With its immense benefits to the different areas of business, elevating consumer experience, and decreasing the workload, the marketing automation system has become the favorite technology of many marketers.

Marketing automation is not pleasant to have; instead, it has become a must to have for successful business organizations.

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