B2B Marketing on LinkedIn

Should brands be advertising and actively marketing right now? Historical data points to a pretty clear answer: If you reasonably can, then yes. So the next question is, where? which destinations are most worthy of investing time and and spend, with confidence you’ll be able to show growth and ROI? There are many channels and platforms to consider, but allow us to help you make an evidence-based case for why LinkedIn should be a strategic priority in your organization’s 2021 plans.

At a time where companies of all types need to invest where it counts most, the numbers make a strong case for LinkedIn: It works, it’s trusted, and it spans the breadth of B2B audience segments. As the world’s largest online professional network, LinkedIn is inherently B2B-centric. It’s where professional relationships are forged,

78% of B2B marketers rate LinkedIn as the most effective social media platform at helping their organizations achieve specific objectives.
— LinkedIn

careers are developed, and business is done. As a result, the platform is nearly ubiquitous as a content marketing channel for B2B marketers, and a top the social media chart.

Helping organizations achieve specific objectives is exactly what LinkedIn aim to do, with objective-based advertising experience designed to simplify that very thing. We’re living in a time where accurate and credible information has never been more valuable, nor harder to find. Trust is in flux, and the stakes are high. LinkedIn offers a setting where people can ground themselves and find reliable insight. Marketers and advertisers on the platform benefit from a “hello effect,” meaning that content is perceived in a more positive light because of the surrounding environment.

The 2019 Business Insider Digital Trust report found just a 2% chance for members to post deceptive content on LinkedIn compared to a 42% chance on Facebook, and ranked it No.1 among social media channels in Legitimacy.

B2B Marketing on LinkedIn

The 700+ million members on LinkedIn span a vast array of professions, interests, functions, and career paths. Best of all, these details are readily available through profile information and content engagements, enabling marketers to understand who they should be trying to reach, and what maters to them.

Industry-specific stats show that B2B marketers are tapping into this potential, driving fantastic results by zeroing in with the right members and resonating through on-point creative.

B2B marketers everywhere rely on LinkedIn, because it works

  • There are 2.9 million groups on LinkedIn, which include industry and interest communities, company and university alumni groups, and professionals associations.

  • LinkedIn members interact with Pages more than 1 billion times per month.

  • 97% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for their content marketing efforts.

  • LinkedIn has 706+ million members in over 200 countries and territories, representing more than 55 million companies.

  • Professionals are signing up to join LinkedIn at a rate of nearly 3 new members per second.

  • More than 90% of B2B marketers leverage LinkedIn over all other platforms.

  • More than 45% of all social media traffic to a company’s homepage comes from LinkedIn.

  • 78% of B2B marketers rate LinkedIn as “the most effective social media platform at helping their organizations achieve specific objectives.”

If your target audience is in the B2B space, Linkedin is where your greatest opportunities lie. Also, many marketing professionals do not possess relevant skills for Linkedin marketing. This gives you a career advantage over others.


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