Lead Generation, Sales and Marketing Mauro Berno Lead Generation, Sales and Marketing Mauro Berno

Predictive Lead Scoring

Every one of us gets a sales call (or email, or text) from time to time. The chances are, you’ll get less annoyed at a midday sales call that actually blabbers on a product or service that you might actually use. This is also why lead generation is one of the most crucial parts of a business. You want to find a particular set of people that are most likely to engage with and purchase from a brand. It definitely beats targeting anyone, and everyone, just to see what works to meet sales targets. So, if you’re like us, you’ll probably be curious to know who your best potential prospects are. Who doesn’t? Nobody likes to waste time on a hard-to-get prospect while missing valuable opportunities with their best leads. That’s where lead scoring comes in.

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