B2B, Business, Marketing, Strategy Mauro Berno B2B, Business, Marketing, Strategy Mauro Berno

Marketing Strategy vs. Marketing Plan Explained

A marketing strategy is a core pillar of every business. Moreover, Marketers that document their strategy are 538% more likely to report success than those who don’t. That’s big. Yet more often than not, the words “marketing plan” and “marketing strategy” are used interchangeably. However, there is a strong difference between the two. A marketing plan is a programme of marketing tactics. A strategy, on the other hand, is a blueprint to accomplish a specific goal (that is open for adaptation and change when needed.)

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An Effective Marketing Strategy Template for Small Businesses

Growing your business starts with a great marketing strategy. Most small business owners skip this step. They get busy with the nitty gritty of actually running their business, that a marketing strategy gets pushed to the side. A Facebook post here. A radio ad there (the sales person said you didn't want to miss out). Throw in a picture on Instagram once a month and they wonder why they aren't seeing an increase in customers.

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