Revenue Operations: Definitions and Explanations

Revenue Operations (RevOps) is a term that if you, if you look at the Google trends, it is getting searched for more and more, but like most buzzwords and jargon at this stage in their evolution, it means so many different things to different people. And most of the definitions out there are complex.

They're your doubt-defining jargon with more jargon.

One of the most common definitions is, you know, revenue operations is bringing together your marketing operations team, your sales operations team, and your customer service operations team under one group, rather than having them in separate silos.

That works.

That's a fine definition, assuming that you know what those other terms mean. Marketing operations, sales ops, and customer service ops or customer support ops.

Our Definition of Revenue Operations

So the definition that We want to give you today is something that will make it clear to everybody, and that is Revenue Operations is the team, is the team, structure, and process within your organization that allows:

  • Your marketing team to be marketers

  • Your sales team to be salespeople

  • Your customer support team to be customer service people

  • Your executive team to be executives

In other words, Revenue Operations is the operational infrastructure (starting with data, automation, and productivity tools) that enables each department to do what they do best.

  • Marketers can focus on content and creative and ideas and campaigns.

  • Salespeople can focus on building relationships and connecting with people and closing deals.

  • Executives can focus on steering the company and making confident data-driven decisions.

  • Customer service people can focus on serving your customers and retaining customers.

Those are the superpowers that they have. That is their function. That is what they're measured on in order to do that, you need entire operational infrastructure that starts with data and automation and efficiency and productivity tools to be able to do that.

Each individual group shouldn't be responsible for figuring that out for themselves. You want your marketers to focus on marketing, want your salespeople to focus on sale, on selling.

So your revenue operations team, or your revenue operations partner works with you at a high level to understand your strategy, to recommend how it should be implemented, and the process that your team should use. And then implements that in your tool set, implements the automation, and then trains your team, supports your team on an ongoing basis so that each individual team does not need to be experts in the technology and the process and the data, they can do what they're best at.

And so to reiterate that definition, revenue operations allows marketers to be marketers, salespeople to be salespeople, customer support people to be customer support people and executives to be executives.

They come up with the vision, the content, the campaign, the data that they need to drive the company and the revenue operations team makes it happen.

Revenue Operations - a Marketing Perspective

As an executive, you know your marketing team is responsible for creating ideas, content, and campaigns that attract leads (potential customers) to your organization. However, without the right business-specific automation on the back end of your marketing efforts, the traffic and awareness your marketing team generates will go to waste. This is where a revenue operations team can help.

RevOps’ main objective is to provide the business-specific technical structure that will optimize your marketing’s strategy and effectiveness.

Revenue Operations - a Sales Perspective

Your sales team is tasked with building relationships, forging connections, and closing deals. They don’t have the time, nor the skillset, to customize your CRM, create processes to follow, or build sales reports. This is the role of revenue operations.

RevOps can provide automation on the back end of your sales platform to rank and prioritize the leads that are most likely to close. Your RevOps team/agency can also provide an infrastructure within your lead routing system which ensures leads are assigned to the right sales reps at the right time in your process.

Revenue Operations - a Customer Service Perspective

Once your sales team has closed a deal, your customer service team jumps into action to serve and retain that customer. Expecting your CS team to identify and respond to every type of customer is nearly impossible.

But with RevOps support, your CS team can do just that. A revenue operations team can set up automated advocacy and customer service engines in your CRM so that your CS reps can see immediately who needs the most help/how to help them.

Revenue Operations - an Executive Perspective

Revenue operations can assist executive teams with automation and data structure that provides customized data and helps them to understand what is working within their company and what isn’t.

Revenue Operations: Definitions and Explanations

Your RevOps team can give you more visibility into your team’s efforts and accurately guide you on where you should spend your time and budget.

When it comes to optimizing your sales, marketing, and customer services processes, don’t add unnecessary burden to your teams’ plates.

Look into hiring a revenue operations partner or creating an internal RevOps team for your company and get the infrastructure, automation, and reporting your teams need for maximum revenue growth, click here to talk with our expert about RevOps implementation into your organizations.


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