Strategy, Business, B2B, Branding, Marketing Mauro Berno Strategy, Business, B2B, Branding, Marketing Mauro Berno

Shake it off these 3 bad habits: In Decision-Making in Marketing

As with a lot of other business disciplines, in marketing, decisions are typically informed by some kind of evidence, or so we hope, the evidence base for making marketing decisions can include lots of different things. For example, we might make use of tried and tested frameworks & textbook approaches recalled from our university days or found through a quick Google search or read of a Wikipedia page.

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Are you investing in social selling?

LinkedIn is becoming the go-to channel for salespeople to find new prospects and reach their sales targets. 90% of top-performing salespeople now use LinkedIn as part of their sales strategy. And for sales reps that invest in social media, 64% of them hit their team quota compared to only 49% of reps hitting their team quota that don't use social media

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Steps to Identifying your Customer's Pain Points

As a copywriter or marketer, it’s your job to relate to your audience. You need to frame the problem that they are experiencing and offer a solution. A critical part of copywriting is the creative use of emphasis and empathy but just how do you use this to make a lasting impact?

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Marketing, B2B, Business, Strategy, Branding Mauro Berno Marketing, B2B, Business, Strategy, Branding Mauro Berno

The State of Branding during COVID-19, what is the best thing do?

If you’re like most business leaders, you’ve probably put brand-building on the back burner as you deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. 81% of companies have deferred marketing, according to the World Federation of Advertisers. And even Google is slashing its marketing budgets by as much as half for the second half of the year (CNBC.)

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