Benefits Of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is more than merely automating your workflows, even though as the name suggests this clearly is the point. However, if you just do what you are doing now but with the help of a fancy tool, the results will not be that different. Nor does marketing automation mean mass marketing, i. e. providing the same content to all the leads you have got, regardless of their engagement history, progression in the sales process, or preferences, and hoping some will bite.

Instead, if you decide to use a marketing automation tool, you must also decide to do marketing in a new way.

The secret of marketing automation is that it enables you to track contacts’ engagement with your content (newsletter opens, link clicks, landing page visits, etc.) and use that data to create personalized customer journeys. A marketing automation tool gives you full insights into how effective your content and journey are. You can then leverage this data to continually improve your activities.

What marketing 
automation is

Benefits Of Marketing Automation

What marketing
automation is not

Benefits Of Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation ≠ CRM

Implementing a marketing automation tool especially makes sense if you already have a CRM  system in place.

This is a good time to get our terms straight: CRM  stands for customer relationship management. A  CRM system provides an overview of leads, opportunities and customers and is mostly used by sales departments to automate tasks and synchronize  data. However, it also allows different departments,  such as service, marketing, controlling or management, to access aggregated data and use it operatively. A CRM system can, and often does, include  some marketing functionality.

Customer relationship management is not the same as marketing automation, however.

Marketing automation is focused on automating  marketing tasks aimed at generating and nurturing  leads. A marketing automation tool is used to run  campaigns, create assets and manage leads.

However, there is some overlap between marketing  automation and CRM, and the tools complement  each other. Which is why many businesses use them  in tandem. This allows users to get a 360° view of potential customers, from the contact stage to the  purchase decision (and beyond).

When combined with a CRM system, a marketing  automation tool will help to improve collaboration between marketing and sales, generate  more leads and close deals faster.

How marketing automation can improve collaboration between marketing and sales

Aligning marketing and sales is essential. It can lead  to 36% higher customer retention rates and 38% higher sales win rates. The first step in bringing  sales and marketing activities closer together is to  simplify cooperation. After all, digital transformation does not mean providing each department with  digital tools but to digitally align processes across  one’s organization.

Benefits Of Marketing Automation

How to find the right marketing  automation tool

A marketing automation tool may be a standalone  solution or a module to be integrated with a CRM  system. When evaluating your options, you should prioritize  integration into your CRM over the tool’s features.  Then consider how easy to use the tool is, what its  features are, and which integrations are necessary.  Finding the right solution depends on the type of  your company (B2B or B2C) and the software you  already have in place.

What a marketing automation  tool does

Marketing automation solutions usually include data  integration, customer segmentation, campaign  management and lead management (lead generation, scoring, nurturing and routing) functionality.

These components enable marketers to

  • send mailings

  • generate and segment leads

  • publish and disseminate content

  • publish social media posts

  • score leads

  • increase customer loyalty

Benefits of marketing automation

Marketing automation frees up time and resources  and provides data that helps businesses better  understand their customers and helps them realize  more effective marketing campaigns.

With marketing automation, you can align your  processes to your marketing strategy. You have  more time to conceive your campaigns, i.e. being  creative and coming up with a good strategy,  because you can set them up much more quickly.

When lead prioritization is automated, for example, your sales teams can dedicate more time on  nurturing promising leads.

You get a clearer view of prospects by tracking their  engagement with your content, messages, ads and  e-mails. It lets you personalize follow-ups and priori-  tize leads according to objective KPIs rather than  intuition.

All of which means your marketing ROI will  improve.

Benefits Of Marketing Automation

Why marketing automation  is so important for B2B  companies

During the non-working hours of their days, B2B  buyers are also B2C buyers and as such are used to  sophisticated consumer interactions. They should  not be experiencing anything different in a professional capacity. In other words, what they are used  to as private consumers, they expect as professional  buyers.

What if business-to-business marketers treated  their potential buyers like their B2C peers do  theirs?

Nurturing leads with personalized relevant  content along a customer journey until they are ready to purchase.

While B2C marketers seem to have such an easy  time selling soft drinks, consumer electronics or  sneakers, in B2B industries purchase decision are  often a long time in the making. Corporate structure,  product complexity and the large investment  required all factor into the purchase decision as  does customer experience. Every touchpoint matters.

An exceptional, personalized customer journey is key.

And while B2B companies may think themselves  customer-centric, quite often they actually are  account focused. What should be a customer journey is still frequently treated merely as customer relationship management. Therefore, B2B buyers receive largely impersonal  content, and experience inconsistent and conflicting  interactions that do not meet them where they are in the sales process.

Benefits Of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation can have enormous benefits for B2B companies, particularly because their sales  cycles are long and decision making is complex. To convert leads into customers requires a lot of interactions and more lead nurturing than in B2C marketing. Providing relevant content at strategic decision  points during the research and consideration phase  and analyzing the prospect’s engagement with it,  allows marketing to generate data that can be analyzed and used for strategic action.

Mistakes to Avoid

To ensure that your marketing automation will be  successful, you need to not only find the right tool  for your business but make sure it is set up for  success. Don’t do the following:

  1. Don’t personalize your content

    Workflows will help you communicate more personalized with workflows. However, a good chunk of the  work is left up to you. You will have to have the right strategy and build the best customer journey. Leads must not suspect that communication is automated.

  2. Treat every user like a lead

    Your goal must not be to generate as many leads  as possible but to generate those that are actually relevant to your business. Marketing automation helps you differentiate between qualified and unqualified leads. This way you avoid wasting resources on leads that will never become customers.

  3. Focus on e-mails only

    You have more than one channel available to you.

  4. Don’t measure your results

    Marketing automation is not just about the automation. This will only save you time, but it does not mean that you will be more successful. For that you need a strategy and you need to make adjustments. Therefore, make you use of the insights your marketing automation tool provides. Take the time to determine KPIs beforehand, analyze them regularly and react accordingly so as to not waste potential.

  5. Over-automate

    Your marketing automation tool is a shiny new toy  that you want to play with. However, if you overdo it too many mailings, ceaseless tweeting, your contacts will run away scared. Which is to say they  may react negatively, i.e. unsubscribe from your  newsletter, unfollow you. That does not mean that  you may still win them as customers. However, you will have less control over influencing their decision making.

  6. Do too much at once

    You will probably be tempted to use all the amazing features and possibilities your tool allows has to offer. However, if you get bogged down trying to master too many things at once, few if any will work out in the end. Therefore, focus on what most made  you acquire the tool in the first point. Start off by  improving your biggest pain point, achieve that goal,  then consider what will be the next logical step.

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