The customer experience (CX): Is it the key to success?

The customer experience (CX): Is it the key to success?

The attention for customer experience (also known as CX) has grown exponentially over recent years and it keeps doing so with customer experience now being recognized as an essential focus to create business and customer value.

People are at the center of all business success. It sounds obvious, but in times of digital transformation, one can easily forget it. The expectations of people have also changed. The ubiquity of digital platforms in their lives is one of many factors impacting shifts in behavior and demands. We even started speaking about  digital customer experience.

However, the essence of CX and customer experience management hasn’t changed all too much because, in the end, customer experience “the experience part“ is all about emotions.

Why customer experience matters?

Acquiring a new customer  costs seven times more  than maintaining an existing one.  Investing in your current customers will pay off, and it’s only a matter of time until you see positive results.

That’s why the customer experience is essential because it is how customers perceive their interactions with your company. Hence, a superior experience becomes a valued and unique asset for any business.

So the basic principle is to make the customer happy, but What if your customer is unhappy?

There are a few things that impact a brand’s reputation more than how it responds to complaints. Customer service is an integral part of developing brand loyalty, and the way you respond to unhappy consumers will determine what they say about you afterward.

Ideally, every business would rather have exclusively positive feedback, but unfortunately, that’s a pretty unrealistic goal.

The key to handling negative feedback is to respond politely and assure them that you’re trying your best to find a solution to their issue. Make your customer feel heard and cared for, and you’ll find it will pay off in the long run.

Did you know that  95% of people who had a bad experience  are willing to give the brand another go  if they know their issue has been dealt with correctly?

Let me explain: people are now seeking third-party validation when making an online purchase, for example, so if you create an amazing customer experience, you’re creating an advocate out of every consumer, helping you stand out from your competitors.

Embrace a customer-centric strategy, and stand out from your competitors by making sure today’s customers become tomorrow’s brand advocates.

The customer experience (CX): Is it the key to success?

How can you create a remarkable CX and a strong relationship with your consumers?

Personalized content and experiences are essential. Making each one of your customers feel special and unique will send a positive message: they are cared for and important to your business.

It’s all about putting customer needs at the center, ensuring along all the  interactions, and even more so along all the relevant customer journeys that the customers have a flawless experience. When a customer is satisfied with a company, they are more loyal customers, and maybe they  ™ll even promote your company among their friends.

The complexity comes when you go deeper and understand how to execute this. Many companies are often organized in silos. This is instead a cross-functional collaboration, and it is crucial for putting the customer need in the center and then working together in multiple areas of your company. The sales-driven guys, the marketing guys, the operational guys, and even support areas like IT and finance need to work together and improve this customer journey along the various  interactions.

You may say that it sounds like a very complicated process to put in place. The real truth is the opposite.

You have to consider that the customers are relatively simple. They interact with you, and they want the service they expect to be delivered, to the price agreed. What creates complexity is the company. Tedious process for order, distribution, claim the warranty, the eternal procedure to do for every small step, creates friction to the customer. Maybe all these processes are optimized for the company but not for the customer. It is necessary to shift the focus to the customer perspective, which will also bring simplification for the company.

The customer experience (CX): Is it the key to success?

We at Foundcoo strongly believe that putting in place a system that prioritizes the customer journey with a flawless CX, not only simplify the company operation and enhance your brand but also bring to exponential growth for your business thought an unparallel positive way.


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