Techniques To Mastering Content Writing For All Kind Of Industry (Business)

Techniques To Mastering Content Writing For All Kind Of Industry (Business)

What Is Content Writing?

Content writing refers to creating content for online  marketing purposes. With content, businesses can attract  leads and foster positive connections with their audience,  ultimately pushing them down the sales funnel.

87% of marketers use content to guide their prospects through different  stages of the buyer journey. They leverage different content formats for  each stage of the journey, from brand awareness to purchase decisions.

Techniques To Mastering Content Writing For All Kind Of Industry (Business)

Since a myriad of companies are fighting for the same audience’s  attention, they need high-quality, targeted content to cut through  the clutter and reach potential customers.

Techniques To Mastering Content Writing For All Kind Of Industry (Business)

Different content formats can reach potential customers at different  stages of the sales funnel, so their purpose is to move that individual  further toward the end goal: closing the deal (or making a subsequent  sale in the case of returning customers).

Content Writing Basics

1. Reflect factual, research-based information.

Companies that spread false or misleading information are vulnerable to backlash  from both search engines and consumers. Misleading content will ultimately lead  to negative reviews and once that occurs, a reduction in sales is a likely outcome.

Techniques To Mastering Content Writing For All Kind Of Industry (Business)

2. Think about the business goals you want to accomplish.

You should understand:

  • What type of content format do you need?

  • What are your goals for each piece?

  • What style/tone do you want your piece written in?

For example:

  • If you want to increase organic visits, focus on high-volume keywords that your site can rank for.

  • If you want to convert readers into leads, create more middle-funnel content designed to capture high-intent users, and ultimately send them to a relevant lead magnet like a downloadable template or a webinar.

3. Keep in mind your buyer persona.

A buyer persona is an abstract depiction of your ideal customer. It is founded upon qualitative and quantitative data from market/competitor  research and existing customer profiles.

Techniques To Mastering Content Writing For All Kind Of Industry (Business)

Focusing on a specific person when creating content can guide the writer  and designer towards using the right language and style – your message  won’t get watered down from trying to address too many different needs.

Give your buyer persona a name and a fictional avatar  or photo, and fill in the following details:

  • Demographics

  • Professional status

  • Psychographics

  • Pain points and challenges

  • Influences and informational sources

  • Purchasing process

Other things you can do to learn the most common  traits of your customer base:

  • Create online customer surveys

  • Conduct customer interviews (by phone or in person)

  • Mine social media for persona-related information.

  • Talk to sales staff about their customer impressions

  • Use form fields on your website to request customer information (such as what products they may be interested in)

4. Understand your users’ search intent.

Search intent is what users are trying to accomplish, and what they expect to see  when typing or voicing a query. The content format you choose, the message you  convey and the call to action you leave should depend on the search intent.

Search intent can be broken down into four types:

  • Informational – the searcher is looking for specific information on a topic.

  • Navigational – the searcher is looking for a specific web page or site.

  • Commercial – the searcher is considering a purchase and wants to investigate their options.

  • Transactional – the searcher wants to purchase something.

To understand the search intent of your users, you need  to look at the keywords that you target in your piece:

  • Informational – ‘guide’, ‘tutorial’, question words, such as ‘what’, ‘how’, or lists with ‘top’, ‘best’, ‘checklist’ in the title (e.g. ‘best music festivals 2022’).

  • Navigational – the name of a brand, product, or service (e.g. ‘ultra music festival’).

  • Commercial – product modifiers like ‘cheapest’, ‘review’, ‘comparison’ (e.g. ‘ultra music festival reviews’).

  • Transactional – ‘buy’, ‘price’, ‘coupon’, etc. (e.g. ‘ultra music festival tickets’).

5. Optimize your content for ranking in search results.

In order to ‘encourage’ Google to rank your business page highly in the  search results, you need to offer content that is optimized and designed  to render your business as relevant for keyword searches.

You’ll want to conduct thorough keyword research for each  topic you want to write about:

  • Create a list of the most important and relevant keywords associated with your chosen topic.

  • Prioritize the highest-value keywords by the keyword’s search volume, keyword difficulty, and average CPC.

  • Opt for keywords that are realistically attainable for your brand, based on the domain authority of your site in relation to keyword difficulty.

Note: Ideally, you should create a  semantic core. This makes sense if you  are working not with one article, but in a more complex way, such as with the whole site or a section of the site. Building a semantic core means  collecting all keywords related to  the resource's topic, clustering  them, and optimizing all pages for  groups of collected keywords.

6. Construct a comprehensive content strategy plan.

A comprehensive content strategy plan refers to how you intend to manage  your marketing content, and helps to effectively engage with your audience  and outperform your competition’s marketing initiatives.

Your content strategy should include:

  • Your content formats (i.e. social media posts, articles, etc.)

  • The channels you will publish on (i.e. your business website,  social media networks, etc.)

  • How you will manage the content (Who will do the posting  and manage the customer engagements?)

  • Content construction (Who will actually do the writing? If outsourcing, what firm will you use?)

  • Content performance (Who will analyze how your content  is performing and report back to you?)

A well-crafted plan provides a framework for creating and posting your content.  Without one, your content campaign is likely to become disjointed and ineffective.

7. Carry out thorough topic research.

You need thorough topic research to come up with strong, strategic ideas  for your content that will resonate with your audience and drive results.

When doing topic research, consider using  the following tactics:

  • Find your audience’s biggest pain points.

    You can do this by looking at online reviews, Google’s “most asked  questions,” and Quora articles that are related either to a general  topic or your industry overall.

  • Run a survey on social media.

    Ask your followers what they’d love to read about, or what questions  they may have.

  • Conduct a content gap analysis.

    This looks at the keywords your competitors are ranking for that you  aren’t, and for the keywords in which you are being outranked by  your competitors, identifying potential keywords you can use moving forward.

  • Repurpose your competitors’ content.

    See what’s performing well for others, and look for ways that you  can make your own piece more valuable and actionable, ensuring  that you provide the winning resource.

  • Use content ideation tools for research.

    Look for the hottest and potentially trending topics that you may be  able to rank well for, gives writers and strategists a helping hand with content brainstorming, generating cards  on related subtopics and ideas that you can include in your content.

  • Talk to other departments in your company.

    Content creation is all about teamwork, and liaising with other  relevant teams (such as customer support, product managers, and  commercial) helps ensure that your content arouses the interest of  your target audience.

8. Work out your content calendar.

An editorial calendar is something that content specialists, marketers, and SEO  gurus can’t do without, because it provides them with a clear view of their tasks:

  • It promotes posting consistency, which ultimately leads to improved communication with your customer base.

  • It enables staff in other departments to be in the communication loop.

  • It allows the team to develop quality content in advance of publication time.

Draw your content calendar,  detailing the following for  each individual post:

  • The goals you have for the post

  • Marketing promotion channels

  • The chosen content type

  • The topic

  • Deadlines and publication dates

  • Task owners or other team members involved in the process

Consider these questions  to determine what your  calendar should look like:

  • How often do you publish content?

  • Do you publish more than one type of content?

  • How many people need to access the calendar?

  • How many content stages do you go through prior to publishing?

  • What platform will you use for the editorial content calendar?

Try the Marketing Calendar Tool/CRM to streamline the process of  communication between team members during the creation, publication,  promotion, and updating of content.

Tips for Content Writers

Let’s start with some general tips that can help create content  that wows your audience and converts them into leads:

  • Make sure all content has a clear goal.

    Your content  direction  starts with what you want to accomplish and who you need  to reach to meet those goals.

  • Think enticing titles.

    You need to draw your audience into reading your  content; keep your titles short  and sweet, but indicate the  benefit of your content.

  • Hook your readers from the first line.

    Start your copy with some  exciting data, a one-sentence story, or a question. Make  people hungry for the details  after reading the first line.

  • Make your copy scannable.

    Most people skim read, so use descriptive subheadings, bulleted lists, and white space between paragraphs to ensure  that the text is easily scannable.

  • Use visuals.

    Videos, images, presentations,  charts, infographics, and  social media stories are highly effective ways to communicate  with your audience.

  • Choose an interesting angle.

    Millions of pieces of content are going live every day, so what makes yours different? You need a fresh perspective that hooks readers and makes you the leading authority on that topic.

  • Repurpose old content.

    You can find excellent topic opportunities when repurposing content; for example, a list-based article may work well as an  infographic, or an old blog post could be turned into a video  for social media.

  • Be consistent.

    A consistent brand voice and  set of values across all your  channels can help to fuel audience connection, and  make your brand recognizable.

  • Tell a story.

    Storytelling is a way to inspire,  motivate, and ultimately encourage your audience to act,  making it a highly valuable tool for  facilitating interaction between  your consumers and your brand.

  • Use data.

    This is an excellent way to add  credibility to your words. Make sure you’re explaining your  methods and linking to reliable  resources.

  • Use calls to action (CTAs).

    Add a short, action-oriented phrase that convinces your consumers to act in a particular way. The action must be easy for the audience to carry out, such as buying your product or subscribing to a newsletter, for example.

  • Keep an eye on the metrics.

    Make sure that you are monitoring and tracking important metrics. Content efficiency is mostly measured through organic traffic (83%) and sessions/pageviews (70%). The next most  popular metrics are leads (66%),  and conversion rate (53%).

  • Modify the content type according to your goals.

    Some forms of content are better  at reaching engagement and  conversion goals than others. For example, in email newsletters,  the subject line is crucial. Meanwhile, for product pages,  things like visuals, testimonials,  and detailed product descriptions are paramount.

  • Avoid spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

    Don’t forget the importance  of grammar and spelling for readability and for creating trust;  this is just as crucial when it  comes to creating great content.

Depending on your goals, you may need different types of content. Therefore,  let’s take a closer look at the specifics of writing each of the content types.

How to Write Different Types of Content


Over 92% of marketers stated  that blog posts were the main type of content marketing they produced. Blogging,  if done diligently and consistently, can be a fantastic way of driving more traffic to a website and boosting brand authority.

Here are some tips to ensure you create an SEO-friendly article:

  • Check use of keywords.

    Use keywords effectively in the text, H1 header, meta title, meta  description, and subheadings.

  • Make sure the title is perfectly optimized.

    You want the title to be enticing and offer the reader information that they  need, while also meeting search engine requirements.

  • Check the optimization of the meta description.

    Explain the benefits of your article and make it unique. You can check the  suitability and effectiveness of your titles and meta descriptions with the  help of On Page SEO Checker Tool or Site Audit.

  • Make sure the introduction is magnetic.

    Get people “hooked” in the introduction by addressing their feelings,  telling them what they will gain (what questions will be answered, how the  content will help them), making it entertaining, and demonstrating your company’s core values.

  • Make sure the copy is easily read.

    Readable copy will have a good H2, H3, and H4 structure, skimmable  headlines that inform without reading, clear and informative paragraphs,  bullet points, and numbered lists.

  • Check the links to relevant on-site and off-site resources.

    Link to reliable external content to build trust around your copy, and to  internal content that guides users through their customer journey.

Try using SEO Writing Assistant Platform, which analyzes your target keywords and  suggests how to make your copy more readable and SEO-friendly in real time.

Product Content

In the eCommerce business, well-written product descriptions are the key  to convincing the reader that your product offers real value to them in a way  that resonates.

Here are four tips to help you write effective product  descriptions:

  1. Cater to buyer personas.

    Use data, market trends, customer  profiles, and similar  information  to understand your ideal  customer, and use suitable types  of humor, relatable references,  and the right tone of voice.

  2. Employ meaningful, technically proficient writing.

    Resist the temptation to write that your product is “very”, “really”, or “especially”, or that it has “excellent quality” and offers “great value”.

  3. Provide value to the customer.

    Aim to embody the values and goals of your target audience in the description, and instead  of describing the product’s  features, focus on the value it  creates for your customers.

  4. Know SEO Basics.

    Use keywords naturally in  the body text (as well as the metadata and title), avoid  sentences over 20 words,  and use interlinks.

Website Content

Your website is at the core of your  content, as it includes all the essential  information your business must  promote to build its presence online.  Website copy encompasses a range of  content, including your:

  • Home page

  • Landing page (services and products)

  • FAQ/Q&A

  • Contact us page

  • About us page

Here are some of top writing tips to help you motivate users to take an action  (such as making a purchase, subscribing to your blog, or joining your mailing list):

  • Help readers navigate.

    Help readers who are not  familiar with your brand by  adding links to what you offer,  and explaining what they may gain from interacting with you.

  • Demonstrate proof that the CTA is worth it.

    Back up any statements you  have made about your products  or services with success stories,  original research data, customer  testimonials, a relevant expert’s  biography, or partnerships.

  • Talk to readers as you would to a friend.

    Use direct addressing (“you,”  “I,” and “we”) and sentence  structure (“You can  order  our services” instead of “Our  services can be ordered”) to  sound less formal.

  • Talk in layman’s terms.

    Replace professional terminology with simpler alternatives, and explain what  you offer in simple words.

Email Newsletters

Email newsletters are important for retargeting customers and maintaining  engagement with your company’s base. According to the Content Marketing Trends Research, marketers who want to keep pace with the modern world are  looking to customization and personalization.

Here are some tips for writing effective emails:

  • Hook the reader with the title.

    Your subject line should be catchy. It’s great if you can add humor, but make  sure the headline is clear. The user must understand what the email is about.

  • Write about the potential benefit to users, not about your business.

    Opt for language like “you can get” over “we offer”, and think about how the user will benefit if they take the action you are asking them to. For example, if you sell multi cookers, then the user benefit is not purchasing the product, but having more free time for other tasks.

  • Be clear about what you are proposing.

    This applies to both text and visual design. The CTA button should be the  brightest and most attractive element on the page, and the text should  state the main idea from the first or second paragraph. Remember that you don’t have much time to get the reader’s attention, so try to be brief.

Press Releases

Writing a press release is the first step towards attracting media attention, and encouraging them to write a story about your product, service, or event.

For the text to be effective, here are the questions  you need to answer clearly:

  • Who or what is it about?

  • Where did it take place/is it taking place?

  • Why does it matter?

  • What is happening/has happened?

  • When did it happen/will it be happening?

There are also some tips that you’ll want to consider:

  1. Have a word count in mind

    Most press releases are between 300 and 600 words in length. There’s not really a right or wrong answer to “how long should a press release be?” but in general, shorter is better. Some smaller news outlets do share press releases in near-unadulterated form. Bigger news publications don’t tend to do this. So, keep your press release short and simple.

  2. Add seasonality

    Another good example of a hook is a seasonal event or a “National Day of” something. No matter what it is you sell or produce, there’s most likely a day associated with it. If you run a dog sitting service, you might find talking about National Dogsin Politics Day (September 23rd) useful. Browse the National/International Day Calendar and make a list of little-known days that you can use to attract attention to your business.

  3. Include your contact details.

    Be sure to include a bit about yourself at the end of the press release, along with some contact details and a note explaining that you’re available for interviews or to answer more questions. Make sure you really are available to respond to queries, as journalists are often working to tight lead times. This is particularly true for online journalists, who may be expected to turn around ‘hot topic’ stories rapidly. Being responsive makes the journalist’s job easier, and means they’ll think positively of you and be more likely to use you in the future as an expert, or when they have some space to fill on a tight deadline.


There are many goals that you may want to achieve by writing an ebook, such as establishing yourself as an industry expert, moving potential customers down the sales funnel, or educating readers on your brand or product.

Here’s what you need to know about the different tactics of writing an ebook:

  • Choose the topic very carefully.

    It’s better to spend time researching the right topic than to waste months writing content that no one will read.

  • Attract readers with a captivating title.

    Choose the final title only after writing the body to make sure that it is relevant to what you promise to explore. Make it specific, credible, and show the problem your readers will be able to solve.

  • Help readers navigate with a table of contents.

    Add a table of contents to present the ebook structure, and allow the reader to quickly access its specific parts.

  • Back up your words with data.

    Increase your ebook’s credibility by explaining your methods and linking to credible resources.

  • Provide actionable content.

    Ensure that you provide checklists, actionable tips, infographics, how-to guides, or any other practical tools that support your text.

  • Capture the attention of readers with images.

    If you are unsure where to place your visual, place it at the top of the text above the header. Images placed below the header (and before the text) make information harder to perceive. You can use images on either side of your text if they are of the same height as the text block. If you are using your own original photos, make sure they are properly edited to maximize color and clarity.

  • Where possible, maintain a page hierarchy.

    Images will always be noticed first, followed by your headings, and, finally, the body of the text. Therefore, your images should always serve a purpose by reinforcing and emphasizing your message. For lists, use increased line spacing between your bullet points.

  • Edit, edit, and then edit again.

    Of course, when you are working with longer-form text, such as an ebook, it’s a lot easier to make mistakes and lose sight of the overall picture. This is why you should secure the services of a professional editor or, at the very least, get trusted colleagues or friends to go over the text with a fine-tooth comb.

Bringing your ‘A’ game to content development means tackling each stage of content creation: research, planning, and writing. By carefully considering how you can best optimize your content performance, you will be able to target your audience in a far more efficient way.


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