Is Artificial Intelligence the Future of Marketing?

Promotion and Publicity are not to be confused with Marketing. Marketing deals with how you express your essence, your identity. Promotion deals with how you convey your marketing message to your target audience, and Publicity is what you get when people notice your offer and talk about it. 

Nowadays it seems that everything is Marketing and Advertising, Social media marketing, Digitalisation of marketing, AI Marketing …

…is it true?

You already heard that the evolution of big data and advanced analytic solutions have made it possible for marketers to build a clearer picture of their target audiences than ever before; and in this hotbed of advancement lies artificial intelligence (AI) marketing.

Well to me seems that something is missing in this concept, yes it is true these “tools” help us to identify, create, and target in a more precise way and in a shorter amount of time, improving the marketing job, better campaign performance and ROI, all of which can be achieved with essentially no extra effort on the marketer’s part.

Well there is obviously much more that goes into it.

There are a few key elements that make AI marketing as powerful as it is today, including bid data, machine learning and the right solutions.

Bid Data can be use to ensure the right message is being delivered to the right person, Machine learning can help to identify the trends and predict the common insights, AI solutions also interpret emotion and communication like a human, which makes these platforms able to understand open form of content like social media, natural language, and email responses.

Does this all sound too good to be true? Are you still thinking that artificial intelligence is tomorrow’s technology, not today’s? Well all these things are already implemented from the big corporation with very different results, why? Because technology and digitalisation are the tools not the results.

You may have heard the term "relationship marketing" being tossed around recently. Relationship marketing refers to everything you do to develop strong, lifelong relationships with your customers. From influencer programs to social media marketing to referral campaigns to affiliate marketing, relationship marketing builds brand awareness and positions your brand as your customers' best option. The most important part of relationship marketing is facilitating two-way conversations with your customers.

What is relationship marketing and what can it do for your business?

This type of marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it's not transactional, but rather relational. The old way of doing things focused on making more sales. The new, better way focuses on creating a better overall brand experience that will not only help you attract more customers, but retain those existing ones for the long term.

One example is the customer service and retention. This is another area where AI will play a huge role in the future. Soon, chat functions and others direct-to-consumer engagement avenues will be run by AI bots. Many companies can save employee time and expenditures with these tactics. AI bots also have access to an entire internet’s worth of data, information, and search histories, making them much more efficient than their human counterparts, really?

The marketing is changing approach driven by the increased demand of consumers who want to know that the companies they work with not only offer quality products or services, but truly care about them. People want to know there are real faces behind your logo, that you're listening to their concerns and that you're willing to go above and beyond to satisfy them.

So why is this so important?

Research has shown that the longer a customer stays with a brand, the more valuable they become. In fact, an annual increase of just 1% in customer retention can equate to a 20% increase in revenue annually. When you work on building relationships with your customers, and not just selling to them, you begin to develop loyalty, which means they're more likely to stick with your brand for the long haul.

Regardless of the dozens of different marketing techniques out there today, word-of-mouth is still the most powerful, with 84% of consumers citing the recommendation of a friend or family member as their most trusted source when making a purchase decision. The more satisfied and loyal your customers are, the more likely they will be to refer your brand to others. The best way to achieve this is through relationship marketing.

In the end YES the new technologies, Big Data, AI will help the companies to be ahead and improve their Marketing, to the others hand is not the answer to all the questions, because the companies must be able to deliver a service aligned with the marketing identity. When you offer a more personal touch with your products or services, you'll easily achieve a leg up on those that are still stuck in the sales-driven marketing era.

As we move to a customer-driven, personalised, always-on marketing paradigm, data has become increasingly important to marketing. This will have a profound impact on our marketing processes, the skills we need, the roles of marketers and even the way we think about marketing.

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